Merge remote-tracking branch 'svn/trunk' into git_master

This commit is contained in:
Diederick Niehorster 2015-04-04 20:43:49 +02:00
commit 5a6d3b2615
13 changed files with 218 additions and 643 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
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@ -3,17 +3,12 @@ freeglut/freeglut/AUTHORS svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/CMakeLists.txt svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/COPYING svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/ChangeLog svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/LISEZMOI.cygwin_mingw svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/LISEZ_MOI svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/NEWS svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/README svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/ -text
freeglut/freeglut/README.cmake -text
freeglut/freeglut/README.cygwin_mingw svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/README.mac -text
freeglut/freeglut/README.mingw_cross svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/README.win32 svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/TODO svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/android/ -text
freeglut/freeglut/android/README -text
freeglut/freeglut/android_toolchain.cmake -text
@ -43,6 +38,7 @@ freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/One/objects.ico -text
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/One/one.c svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/One/one.rc -text
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/Resizer/Resizer.cpp -text
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/init_error_func/init_error_func.c -text
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/multi-touch/multi-touch.c -text
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/shapes/glmatrix.c -text
freeglut/freeglut/progs/demos/shapes/glmatrix.h -text
@ -177,3 +173,4 @@ freeglut/web-src/news.php svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/web-src/progress.php svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/web-src/template.php svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/web-src/uinfo.php svn_keywords=Author+Date+Id+Revision
freeglut/web-src/upload -text

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ James 'J.C.' Jones
designing the new website
John Tsiombikas <>
Linux spaceball support, XR&R gamemode, misc linux fixes and breakages
Linux spaceball support, XR&R gamemode, misc linux fixes and breakages
Sylvain Beucler
support for Android, X11/EGL, OpenGL(ES) 2.x, misc fixes

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@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
Glut alors!
Par Jean-Seb le vendredi 10 juillet 2009, 00:18
Freeglut est une évolution open-source de Glut.
Sous Windows, on peut l'utiliser avec Cygwin.
Facile ? Oui, si on accepte de distribuer "cygwin1.dll"
Aidons Freeglut à conquérir son indépendance !
m.à.j 10/7/2009 : génération d'une librairie pour linker depuis la dll.
Récupération des sources
* Reprenez les sources de la version 2.6.0 qui intègre les changements
* Pour l'instant, il s'agit d'une RC (Release Candidate), mais la version
finale ne saurait tarder.
* L'utilisation de la 2.6 est préférable à la branche 2.4-stable, de
nombreux bugs étant corrigés.
* Vous trouverez les sources sur le site de Freeglut:
* Nous allons créer une dll liée à Cygwin, et une bibliothèque statique
* Nous créerons également une librairie dynamique, permettant de linker avec
la dll.
Liste des fichiers générés
* freeglut.dll : une dll classique pour le linkage dynamique.
* libfreeglut.a : la bibliothèque statique. Le programme final est autonome
(du moins pour OpenGL).
* libfreeglutdll.a : la bibliothèque dynamique. Le programme final a besoin
de freeglut.dll.
* Dépliez l'archive freeglut.
* Allez dans le répertoire src (situé à la racine du répertoire Freeglut),
et créez un sous-répertoire "Gl"
o Dans ce sous-répertoire, copiez les fichiers du répertoire
* Pourquoi faut-il créer un répertoire "Gl" pour la compilation ?
o C'était juste pour simplifier les choses lors de mes essais.
o Sinon vous pouvez créer directement les répertoires, et copier les
fichiers comme indiqué au point installation (lire plus loin).
* Faites un peu de ménage dans /lib :
o Effacez toutes les références à la glut, pour ne pas avoir de
conflit au linkage.
o Cette étape est facultative, vous pouvez également choisir de ne
faire le ménage qu' après une compilation réussie de Freeglut.
o Attention à ne pas effacer, dans un enthousiasme rédempteur, la
bibliothèque glu32.lib (à ne pas confondre avec glut32.lib).
* Oubliez le triptyque ./configure , make , make install.
o Ca ne marche pas du tout avec Cygwin.
* Voici un Makefile qui fera l'affaire:
#Makefile pour Freeglut 2.6.0-rc et Cygwin
#A placer dans le répertoire "src/Common"
sources=$(wildcard *.c)
LDFLAGS=-lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm
nocyg=-mno-cygwin -mwindows
all: $(objs)
#construction dll liée à cygwin1.dll
gcc $(nocyg) $(objs) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $(libname).dll
nm $(libname).dll | awk 'BEGIN { print "EXPORTS" } /T _glut/ {sub( /^.*T _/, "\t"); print}' > $(libname).def
dlltool --dllname $(libname).dll --input-def $(libname).def --output-lib lib$(libname)dll.a
#construction bibliothèque statique indépendante de cygwin
ar cr lib$(libname).a $(objs)
#pas forcément obligatoire (création d'un index pour accélérer les accès)
ranlib lib$(libname).a
%.o: %.c
gcc $(nocyg) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
rm -f *.o $(libname).dll $(libname).def lib$(libname)dll.a lib$(libname).a
Quelques remarques sur le Makefile
* Ce makefile crée une dll, une bibliothèque statique (une archive, en
d'autres termes) et la bibliothèque dynamique qui permettra l'utilisation
de la dll.
* Ne cherchez pas à stripper la bibliothèque statique! Vous ne pourriez plus
compiler en statique.
o Par contre, vous pouvez stripper l'exécutable final obtenu lors de
la compilation de votre application.
* J'ai choisi d'appeller la dll et les bibliothèques par leurs "vrais noms":
freeglut.dll libfreeglutdll.a et libfreeglut.a.
o Le script configure recréait (pour des raisons de compatibilité avec
l'ancienne bibliothèque Glut) glut.dll et libglut.a.
o Lors des mes essais, j'ai eu des conflits avec une authentique
"glut" qui trainait dans mon "/lib". J'ai décidé d'appeller les
choses par leur nom, afin d'éviter les confusions.
o Rien ne vous empêche de renommer la dll, si vous avez besoin
d'utiliser des programmes Glut que vous ne pouvez pas recompiler.
* La bibliothèque dynamique est générée à partir de la dll.
o Par souci de concision, j'ai utilisé awk. Il génère le fichier
d'exports utilisé par dlltool.
o La seule chose notable est la sélection des fonctions dont le nom
commence par _glut, afin d'éviter d'inclure dans la librairie
dynamique des fonctions sans rapport avec freeglut.
o ensuite, on utilise dlltool de façon très classique.
nm $(libname).dll | awk 'BEGIN { print "EXPORTS" } /T _glut/ {sub( /^.*T _/, "\t"); print}' > $(libname).def
dlltool --dllname $(libname).dll --input-def $(libname).def --output-lib lib$(libname)dll.a
* Copiez libfreeglut.a, libfreeglutdll.a dans le répertoire /lib de Cygwin.
* Copiez freglut.dll dans le system32 de Windows (ce qui est pratique, mais
pas propre!).
* Copiez les fichiers headers de Freeglut (/include/gl) dans /usr/include/Gl
de Cygwin.
* Copiez les fichiers headers (toujours /include/gl) dans
/usr/include/mingw/Gl : ceci sert aux compilations avec le flag
-mno-cygwin, qui utilise alors les includes de mingw.
o Vous aurez éventuellement besoin d'écraser d'anciens fichiers
include, correspondants à Glut, si vous l'avez installé avec Cygwin.
Utilisation de la bibliothèque
* Nous allons tester avec le programme shapes, présent dans
o -mno-cygwin sert à forcer l'utilisation de Mingw sans la grosse
dépendance cygwin1.dll.
o -mwindows sert uniquement à enlever l'horrible fenêtre shell (très
utile pour la mise au point, par contre).
o -L. (notez le point après le "L") : j'ai laissé libfreeglut.a,
libfreeglutdll.a et freeglut.dll dans le répertoire de test, le
temps des tests justement.
Compilation en librairie statique freeglut, sans cygwin
* Toute l'astuce réside dans le define : -DFREEGLUT_STATIC
o Il sert à obtenir la bonne décoration des noms de fonctions dans les
imports de la lib Freeglut.
o Vous pouvez essayer sans et prendre un éditeur hexa pour voir les
différences dans l'objet.
* attention à l'ordre des bibliothèques : -lfreeglut (statique) doit se
trouver avant la déclaration des bibliothèques dynamiques.
* gcc shapes.c -L. -lfreeglut -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -mno-cygwin
Compilation avec dll freeglut, sans cygwin
* Pour le define, même remarque que ci-dessus
* L'ordre des bibliothèques n'a plus d'importance.
* gcc shapes.c -L. -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -lfreeglut -mno-cygwin
Compilation avec dll freeglut, avec Cygwin
* Cet exemple est donné uniquement pour référence, le thème de ce billet étant de se débarrasser de Cygwin.
o Disons que ça peut servir pendant la mise au point (et encore).
* gcc shapes.c -L. -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -lfreeglut
Où sont les dooooocs ?
* Freeglut est livré avec sa documentation, plus très à jour.
o Il semble qu'il y ait un problème avec la doc Glut originale. Non
seulement elle ne correspond pas forcément au fonctionnement de
Freeglut, mais de plus, son auteur (Mark Kilgard) l'a copyrighté. Sa
distribution est donc difficile.
* Jocelyn Fréchot a entrepris une mise à niveau des docs pour la version
2.6.0. On peut les trouver sur son site pour l'instant:
Quelque chose a survécu ...
* J'ai également testé la recompilation des démos de la lib Glut originelle
(paix à ses cendres).
o Rien de particulier à signaler.
* Merci à tous les mainteneurs courageux de Freeglut, qu'on croyait morts,
mais qui bougent encore.

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@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
Brève Vue d'ensemble
C'est le paquet de freeglut.
Freeglut, le toolkit de service d'openGL ("OpenGL Utility Toolkit") libre, est censé pour être
un libre changent l'indigène à la bibliothèque de GLUT de Mark Kilgard. Il est distribué sous
un permis de modèle de X-Consortium (voyez COPIER pour des détails), de vous offrir une chance
d'employer et/ou modifier la source.
Il se sert de bibliothèques OpenGL, GLU, GLib, et pthreads-win32. La bibliothèque ne se sert
d'aucun code de SURABONDANCE et n'est pas 100% compatible. La recompilation de code et/ou les
légères modifications pourraient être exigées pour vos applications pour fonctionner avec le
X11 et les ports Win32 sont à une étape avançée d'alpha, qui signifie qu'elles fournissent la fonctionnalité limitée de la SURABONDANCE api 3. Il y a un cours d'en de recherche pour vérifier si le port de BeOS pourrait être facilement fait en utilisant la structure courante de freeglut.
Voyez le dossier d'INSTALLATION. Pour le Windows:
1)Téléchargez Freeglut.tar.gz
2)Renommez en Freeglut.tar
3)Décompressez avec WINZIP
4)Dans MSVC,vous obtenez un répertoire FREEGLUT\DEBUG ou se trouve FREEGLUT.DLL
5)Si vous n'avez pas FEEGLUT.LIB,il faut la construire:
Ouvrez FREEGLUT.DSW(C'est un workspace)
ouvrez le projet et cliquez sur "BUILD" puis "SET ACTIVE CONFIGURATION"
6)Pour votre propre projet,apres la compilation,appuyer sur ALT-F7.Cliquez sur LINK,puis sur
CATEGORIES et selectionnez "INPUT".Plus bas dans la fenetre,il y a un champ appelé
"ADDITIONNAL LIBRARY PATH",ajoutez:C:\MSVC\FREEGLUT\DEBUG pour que le programme trouve la
7)Copiez(NE PAS DEPLACER) la FREEGLUT.DLL de DEBUG vers le répertoire qui contient votre fichier
8)Pour une installation globale copier FREEGLUT.DLL dans C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32.
Le bogue et les pièces rapportées absentes de dispositifs sont certainement bienvenus. Juste
comme des commentaires et des propositions de FREEGLUT api 1 soyez. Veuillez juste pour rendre
le regard de difficultés visuellement juste comme le reste du code (les étiquettes ont converti
les 4 espaces blancs). Les commentaires sont vraiment bienvenus, comme je crois qu'il ferait
beau pour des personnes nouveaux que frais à OpenGL voient comment les choses sont faites...
Le projet de Freeglut s'est déplacé au SourceForge :
Espoir vous trouvez mon travail de façon ou d'autre utile.
Pawel W. Olszta, <>
DÉPASSEMENT DU BATON====================
En décembre 2000, Pawel a décidé qu'il n'a plus souhaité maintenir le freeglut parce qu'il s'est
déplacé hors du champ de graphiques. J'ai offert pour succéder de lui et avoir couru le projet
depuis 2001 le 13 janv.. I'm également l'auteur et le défenseur de la suite de bibliothèque de
PLIB et du 'freeglut' ; vraiment ajustements dedans bien avec ce travail. J'espère juste que je
peux vivre jusqu'aux niveaux élevés de Pawel's. Pawel reste sur la liste active de réalisateurs.
Steve Baker <>

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
Jan 16th 2000:
First really functional release of freeglut.
Jan 13th 2001:
Steve Baker takes over as maintainer of freeglut.
Jun ??th 2003:
freeglut 1.4 released.
September 29, 2003:
freeglut 2.0.0 released.
Mar ??, 2009:
freeglut 2.6.0 released. Changes compared to 2.4.0:
* Tons of bug fixes
* Added deprecated, but working Joystick API.
* Added new constant GLUT_INIT_STATE for glutGet() to check if freeglut is
already initialized.
* Added new API entry for full-screen mode
void glutFullScreenToggle( void );
with a related new constant GLUT_FULL_SCREEN for glutGet().
* Added new API entry to de-initialize freeglut:
void glutExit( void );
* Added support for windows without captions and/or borders via two new
constants GLUT_CAPTIONLESS and GLUT_BORDERLESS for glutInitDisplayMode
(currently works for Windows only).
* Added support for multisampling: The number of samples per pixel to use
when GLUT_MULTISAMPLE is specified in glutInitDisplayMode() can be set via
glutSetOption() with parameter GLUT_MULTISAMPLE now. glutGet() with the
same token retrieves that value. The possible number of samples per pixels
can be queried via the new API entry
int *glutGetModeValues( GLenum mode, int *size );
with mode GLUT_MULTISAMPLE. (glutGetModeValues() currently only works for
* Added new constant GLUT_AUX for glutSetOption() to set the number of
auxiliary buffers. The possible number of auxiliary buffers can be
queried via glutGetModeValues with mode GLUT_AUX.
* Added support for versioned (i.e. 3.0) OpenGL contexts: New API entries
void glutInitContextVersion( int majorVersion, int minorVersion );
void glutInitContextFlags( int flags );
with related new constants GLUT_DEBUG and GLUT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE for
the latter API entry. Added new constants GLUT_INIT_MAJOR_VERSION,

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@ -1,77 +1,61 @@
This is the freeglut package.
This is the freeglut package.
Freeglut, the Free OpenGL Utility Toolkit, is meant to be a free alternative to
Mark Kilgard's GLUT library. Freeglut is free software, distributed under an
MIT/X11 style license. You are free to use, modify, and redistribute FreeGLUT
with or without modifications (see COPYING for details).
Freeglut, the Free openGL Utility Toolkit, is meant to be a free alter-
native to Mark Kilgard's GLUT library. It is distributed under an X-Consor-
tium style license (see COPYING for details), to offer you a chance to use
and/or modify the source.
It makes use of OpenGL, GLU, and pthreads-win32 libraries. The library does
not make use of any GLUT code and is not 100% compatible. Code recompilation
and/or slight modifications might be required for your applications to work
with freeglut.
Currently supported platforms:
- UNIX systems with X11 (such as GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, etc)
- MS Windows
- MacOS X with XQuartz (no native Cocoa support yet)
- Android (NDK)
- Blackberry
Consult the platform-specific readme files for details on the level of support
and build instructions.
Both X11 and Win32 ports are in an advanced alpha stage, which means that
they provide limited functionality of GLUT API 3. A somewhat more
limited port (mostly due to limits of the OS) to Andriod is now also
See README.cmake as a starting point, as well as the other README
files for further info.
See README.cmake as a starting point, as well as the other README
files for further info.
Patches for bugfixes and new features are certainly welcome. Please send patches
to the freeglut-developer mailing list (see CONTACT below).
Feel free to report any bugs you encounter, using our bug tracking system:
Feature requests are also welcome at:
If your bug report needs urgent attention, please also post a message to the
aforementioned freeglut-developer mailing list, to make sure we'll see it ASAP.
Bug and missing features patches are certainly welcome. Just as comments
and FREEGLUT API propositions are.
Just please to make the fixes look visually just as the rest of the code
does (tabs converted 4 white spaces). Comments are really welcome, as I
believe it would be nice for people fresh new to OpenGL see how the things
are done...
Freeglut project has moved to the SourceForge:
Hope you find my work somehow useful.
Pawel W. Olszta, <>
In late December 2000, Pawel decided that he no longer
wished to maintain freeglut because he has moved out of
the graphics field. I volunteered to take over from him
and have been running the project since Jan 13th 2001.
I'm also the author and maintainer of the PLIB library suite
and 'freeglut' really fits in well with that work.
I just hope I can live up to Pawel's high standards. Pawel
remains on the active developers list.
Steve Baker <>
FreeGLUT website:
FreeGLUT mailing lists:
- developer:
- bugs:
- announce:
You need to subscribe before posting to any of our mailing lists. Make sure
to avoid selecting "daily digest mode" if you intend to post, so that you can
reply properly to specific messages. Also, please do not top-post, and try to
send properly formated emails (text, hard-wrapped at 72 columns, no binary or
large attachements).

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
January 2011
To the gentle Mac user,
I realize that this is hardly a full explanation of how to build on a Mac,
but it will need to suffice for now.
There was an e-mail on the "freeglut" developers mailing list titled
"Compiling Static freeglut on mac" with a datestamp of 10/12/2010 at
11:20 AM (possibly corrected for Central time, USA). Another e-mail
on the same mailing list from the same person, in reply to his original
missive, is dated 11/9/2010 at 10:03 PM. This file is an attempt to
capture the knowledge in those two e-mails.
The author of the e-mails was trying to compile a static "freeglut"
library on Mac OSX version 10.5.8. He tried building both freeglut
versions 2.4.0 and 2.6.0 with a command ...
./configure --disabled-shared --enable-static
... and got a "non_lazy_ptr" error in both cases. He was able to fix
the problem by using the following "configure" command instead:
./configure --disable-warnings --disable-shared --enable-static CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include -L/usr/X11/lib LDFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include -L/usr/X11/lib -framework GLUT
Any further information on building "freeglut" on a Mac would be deeply
appreciated. I believe that much of the information on building it on
*nix systems also applies to the Mac.
John F. Fay

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
The not-so-up-to-date TODO list can be found under following URL:
Issues in Freeglut (so we don't forget):
*fixed*(D) I'd like to change the names of the Windows target directories from names like "Debug__Win32_freeglut_static" (or something like that) to names like "DebugStatic".
Issues that can Wait until 2.2.0:
(1) In the Atlantis demo, under windows and with the task bar to the left of the screen, the GLUT window comes up in a position relative to the corner of the screen while the "freeglut" window comes up down and to the right of where it was the last time it was opened.
(2) In the Atlantis demo, if you stop the animation and move the mouse around with a menu open, the whales jiggle but don't circulate. My guess is that you need a way to redisplay the menu without forcing a redisplay from the application.
(3) In the Atlantis demo, if you bring up the menu in GLUT the animation stops; in freeglut the fish and whales wiggle without advancing. This may be another manifestation of (2).
(4) In the Atlantis demo modified to draw a solid torus instead of a mother whale, the torus is not shaded according to the lighting. This is true with both GLUT and freeglut. With freeglut, when you bring up a menu the shading used to turn on but doesn't any longer; with GLUT it never did and still does not. Interestingly, if you change to a teapot it is shaded, but other geometric shapes are not shaded.
*fixed*(5) The "freeglut" wire cone does not look like the GLUT wire cone. There are several differences, one of which is that the "freeglut" cone draws the base.
*fixed*(6) With the "bluepony" demo under Windows, if you reshape the window using the mouse, the scene does not redraw until you move it with a keypress (arrow key or space bar to start the animation). Check out the "CS_VREDRAW or CS_HREDRAW" sections in MSVC help for a pointer about this.
(7) If you compare the "bounce" demo with freeglut and GLUT, you see that the "freeglut" lights are larger and dimmer (and don't shine on the walls) than the GLUT lights.
*fixed*(8) Large submenus in "freeglut" tend to cover their parent menus, making it difficult to get past them. This is visible in the "geoface" demo. In GLUT the menus can extend outside the window; "freeglut" should do the same thing.
(9) In the "gliq" demo, the cones forming the ends of the arrows in the "select board" are lighted differently in "freeglut" than they are in GLUT.
*fixed*(10) The "skyfly" demo resized my video and set it to 256 colors but didn't set it back when it was done. This is a problem with "skyfly" and not freeglut. <This seems to have fixed itself.>
*fixed*(11) We seem to have troubles with programs that use display lists. Check out the "walker" demo and load a new curve set. If you have the debugger going while it is loading, you get the new curves; otherwise you don't. This has to do with the debugger hiding the freeglut window while the display list is being changed. <This seems to have fixed itself.>
*fixed*(12) The "fgCleanUpGlutsMess" function seems to duplicate the "fgDestroyStructure" or "fgDeinitialize" function and should probably be removed.
*fixed*(13) The "G_LOG_DOMAIN" defined constants are never used. Should we start using them in warning and error messages or should we delete them?
*fixed*(14) The "freeglut_internal.h" file on lines 45ff defines or undefines "G_DISABLE_ASSERT" and "G_DISABLE_CHECKS" but these are never used. Shall we start using them or should we delete them?
*fixed*(15) P-GUIDE apparently calls the get and set window size functions repeatedly. Each time it does, the window shrinks by 2 pixels in each direction.
(16) (for Don Heyse) We need to implement the "glutLayerGet ( GLUT_NORMAL_DAMAGED )" call.
(17) Also from Aleksandar Donev: can some add support for building a debugging version of freeglut to the makefiles? I have no clue how to use automake...
(18) There is a big guess about the mouse buttons count under X11 (always 3) -- I must remember to correct the menu activation code if this shows to be invalid.
(19) None of the bizarre input devices found in GLUT API is supported (and probably won't).
(20) The joystick code should work fine but I haven't tested it out yet. It might not compile under FreeBSD, as I had to convert it from C++ to C and had no possibility to compile it under FreeBSD.
(21) The menu is displayed using OpenGL, so it requires the window's contents to be refreshed at an interactive rate, which sometimes does not happen. That's why I'll consider adding optional window-system menu navigation later. For now -- extensive testing is what I believe should be done with the menu system. (Several of the GLUT demos use the menu system. John Fay has checked it out pretty well.)
(22) Need to have own cursor shapes, so that freeglut can pass them to the windowing system, draw them using glBitmap() and/or texture mapping. The cursor shapes are very probable to be found in XFree86 sources.
(23) Indexed color mode might work, however I have not tested it yet. glutGetColor/glutSetColor is not implemented. Again, looks like a single Xlib call, but there might be some problems with the colormap access. Need to switch into indexed color mode some day and check it out (does Mesa 3.1 work with indexed color mode?)
(24) Overlays are not supported, but one of the GLUT conformance tests fails due to glutLayerGet( GLUT_NORMAL_DAMAGED ) returning FALSE when the window has actually been damaged.
(25) Layers would be good for drawing the menus and mouse cursor, as they wouldn't force the application redraw to update their state.
(26) Does the init display string work?
(27) Is the game mode string parsed correctly?
(28) Does the geometry need normal vectors?
(29) The visibility/window status function is a conceptual mess. I had to peer into the GLUT source code to see what actually happens inside. It helped me a bit, but still one of the visibility tests fails. This is probably the reason for which a window covered by enlightenment status bar is marked as hidden and does not get redrawn.
(30) GLX 1.3 spec states that glXChooseVisual() et consortes are deprecated. Should move to glXFBConfig.
(31) Need to investigate what happens when initial window position is set to (-1,-1). GLUT specification says, that the window positioning should be left to the window system. And I do not know how to force it do so...
(32) I was told it is wrong to have the redisplay forced in the main loop. Is that right?
(33) Some of the tests freeze because they do not generate the glutPostRedisplay() call every frame. Again, this is somehow handled by GLUT, but I can't see how. And why. Looks like I've fixed it (or rather hacked it?) by forcing a redisplay every frame, but this is no good and kills interactiveness of my console :D
(34) We should really implement overlays, if only for the sake of completeness.
(35) Menus do not display in single-buffered windows, although they are active and the user can pick from them if he knows how to move the mouse exactly right.
(36) In the "boundary.c" demo in the "advanced" directory, if the outline rendering is turned on the menu background turns black.
(37) In the "comp.c" demo in the "advanced" directory, we find that we need a window to be defined before "glutGet ( GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE )" can be called. GLUT does not have this restriction. In "freeglut" there is a check at the beginning of the "fgSetupPixelFormat" call and a few references to "window->" later in the function.
(38) When you get around the requirement for an existing window in "comp.c", you find that "freeglut" renders the window differently from GLUT. For starters, "freeglut" looks like it is double-buffering while GLUT looks like it is single-buffering. In 'freeglut" the background is all black while in GLUT it starts black and turns white before your eyes.
(39) Running the "convolve" GLUT demo in the "advanced" directory (after fixing it so it doesn't terminate on error), I find that the "freeglut" version runs much more slowly than the GLUT version. I think this has to do with forcing redraws when the menu comes up.
(40) The "genmipmap" demo runs much more slowly in "freeglut" than in GLUT (try moving a window!) and flashes the texture over the whole window instead of just the part of the window where it finally settles down.
(41) We need to keep the "freeglut" structure current (including the GLUT action on window closure) after the last window closes. (Aleksandar Donev e-mail, 7/4/03, 5:00 PM).
*fixed*(42) Menus need to display in their own subwindow with a special menu OpenGL rendering context. This will fix a wide range of menu-related bugs.
*fixed*(43) We need to keep the "freeglut" structure current (including the GLUT action on window closure) after the last window closes.
*fixed*(44) The "freeglut" wire cone differs from the GLUT wire cone. As a minimum, it draws the base where GLUT does not. I would check the solid cone as well.
(45) The different mouse pointers (crosshair, double pointer, etc.) do not get shown.
(46) The visibility callback is not invoked when minimizing a window. It should be.
(47) We should add a "glutExit" call to the interface. Also a "glutGet" to tell whether it has been initialized properly. And have "freeglut" call "glutExit" before it calls "exit ()".

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* ------------------------------------------
* user_error_handler.c
* This is a sample program showing a basic
* user defined error handlers with FreeGLUT
* ------------------------------------------
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
* ------------------------------------------
* Declare our own Error handler for FreeGLUT
* ------------------------------------------
/* This declares the vprintf() routine */
#include <stdio.h>
/* This declares the va_list type */
#include <stdarg.h>
/* The new handler looks like a vprintf prototype */
void myError (const char *fmt, va_list ap)
fprintf(stderr, "myError: Entering user defined error handler\n");
/* print warning message */
fprintf(stderr, "myError:");
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* deInitialize the freeglut state */
fprintf(stderr, "myError: Calling glutExit()\n");
/* terminate error handler appropriately */
fprintf(stderr, "myError: Exit-ing handler routine\n");
* ------------------------------------------
* Just enough code to create the error to
* demonstrate the user defined handler
* ------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv)
glutCreateWindow ("error test"); /* This is an error! */
glutInit(&argc, argv); /* Should be called
after glutInit() */
return 0;

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ struct tag_cursorCacheEntry {
unsigned int cursorShape; /* an XC_foo value */
Cursor cachedCursor; /* None if the corresponding cursor has
not been created yet */
Display *dpy; /* display used to allocate this cursor */
@ -68,26 +69,26 @@ struct tag_cursorCacheEntry {
* the "normal" GLUT_CURSOR_* values start a 0 and are consecutive.
static cursorCacheEntry cursorCache[] = {
{ XC_arrow, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW */
{ XC_top_left_arrow, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW */
{ XC_hand1, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_INFO */
{ XC_pirate, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_DESTROY */
{ XC_question_arrow, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_HELP */
{ XC_exchange, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE */
{ XC_spraycan, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_SPRAY */
{ XC_watch, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT */
{ XC_xterm, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TEXT */
{ XC_crosshair, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR */
{ XC_sb_v_double_arrow, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_UP_DOWN */
{ XC_sb_h_double_arrow, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT */
{ XC_top_side, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_SIDE */
{ XC_bottom_side, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_SIDE */
{ XC_left_side, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_SIDE */
{ XC_right_side, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_SIDE */
{ XC_top_left_corner, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_LEFT_CORNER */
{ XC_top_right_corner, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER */
{ XC_bottom_right_corner, None }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER */
{ XC_bottom_left_corner, None } /* GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER */
{ XC_arrow, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW */
{ XC_top_left_arrow, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW */
{ XC_hand1, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_INFO */
{ XC_pirate, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_DESTROY */
{ XC_question_arrow, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_HELP */
{ XC_exchange, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE */
{ XC_spraycan, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_SPRAY */
{ XC_watch, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT */
{ XC_xterm, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TEXT */
{ XC_crosshair, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR */
{ XC_sb_v_double_arrow, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_UP_DOWN */
{ XC_sb_h_double_arrow, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT */
{ XC_top_side, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_SIDE */
{ XC_bottom_side, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_SIDE */
{ XC_left_side, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_SIDE */
{ XC_right_side, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_SIDE */
{ XC_top_left_corner, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_LEFT_CORNER */
{ XC_top_right_corner, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER */
{ XC_bottom_right_corner, None, 0 }, /* GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER */
{ XC_bottom_left_corner, None, 0 } /* GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER */
void fgPlatformSetCursor ( SFG_Window *window, int cursorID )
@ -104,10 +105,18 @@ void fgPlatformSetCursor ( SFG_Window *window, int cursorID )
if( ( cursorIDToUse >= 0 ) &&
( cursorIDToUse < sizeof( cursorCache ) / sizeof( cursorCache[0] ) ) ) {
cursorCacheEntry *entry = &cursorCache[ cursorIDToUse ];
if( entry->cachedCursor == None ) {
/* the second clause forces an invalidation of the cached cursor, if it was
* created through a different display connection.
* This can only happen, in the extremely rare case where the user program calls the
* freeglut extension glutLeaveMainLoop, and then re-initializes freeglut and
* starts over.
if( entry->cachedCursor == None || entry->dpy != fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display ) {
entry->cachedCursor =
XCreateFontCursor( fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display, entry->cursorShape );
entry->dpy = fgDisplay.pDisplay.Display;
cursor = entry->cachedCursor;
} else {
switch( cursorIDToUse )

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@ -16,27 +16,56 @@ generateHeader($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
<div class="textheader">What?</div>
<p>FreeGLUT is a completely OpenSourced alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to support the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL 'RedBook'. Since then, GLUT has been used in a wide variety of practical applications because it is simple, widely available and highly portable.</p>
<p>GLUT (and hence FreeGLUT) allows the user to create and manage windows containing OpenGL contexts on a wide range of platforms and also read the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions.</p>
<p>FreeGLUT is a free-software/open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility
Toolkit (GLUT) library. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to support
the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL 'RedBook'. Since then, GLUT has
been used in a wide variety of practical applications because it is simple,
widely available and highly portable.</p>
<p>GLUT (and hence FreeGLUT) takes care of all the system-specific chores
required for creating windows, initializing OpenGL contexts, and handling input
events, to allow for trully portable OpenGL programs.</p>
<p>FreeGLUT is released under the X-Consortium license.</p>
<div class="textheader">Why?</div>
<p>The original GLUT library seems to have been abandoned with the most recent version (3.7) dating back to August 1998. Its license does not allow anyone to distribute modified library code. This would be OK, if not for the fact that GLUT is getting old and really needs improvement. Also, GLUT's license is incompatible with some software distributions (e.g., XFree86).</p>
<p>The original GLUT library seems to have been abandoned with the most recent
version (3.7) dating back to August 1998. Its license does not allow anyone to
distribute modified library code. This is really unfortunate, since GLUT is
getting old and really needs improvement. Also, GLUT's license is incompatible
with some software distributions (e.g., XFree86).</p>
<div class="textheader">Who?</div>
<p>FreeGLUT was originally written by Pawel W. Olszta with contributions from Andreas Umbach and Steve Baker. Steve is now the official owner/maintainer of FreeGLUT.</p>
<p>FreeGLUT was originally written by Pawel W. Olszta with contributions from
Andreas Umbach and Steve Baker.</p>
<p>John F. Fay, John Tsiombikas, and Diederick C. Niehorster are the current
maintainers of the FreeGLUT project.</p>
<div class="textheader">When?</div>
<p>Pawel started FreeGLUT development on December 1st, 1999. The project is now virtually a 100% replacement for the original GLUT with only a few departures (such as the abandonment of SGI-specific features such as the Dials&amp;Buttons box and Dynamic Video Resolution) and a shrinking set of bugs.</p>
<p>There are some additional features such as a larger set of predefined shapes for use in applications.</p>
<p>Pawel started FreeGLUT development on December 1st, 1999. The project is now
virtually a 100% replacement for the original GLUT with only a few departures
(such as the abandonment of SGI-specific features such as the Dials&amp;Buttons
box and Dynamic Video Resolution) and a shrinking set of bugs.</p>
<p>FreeGLUT adds some additional features over the basic GLUT functionality,
such as a larger set of predefined objects to use, the ability to run single
iterations of the event loop, or exit from it gracefully, mousewheel input
callbacks, optional OpenGL core/compatibility profile context creation,
multitouch/multi-pointer input, and support for a larger and growing set of
platforms, being just some of them.</p>
<div class="textheader"><a name="download"></a>Help out!</div>
<p>FreeGLUT 3.0 is in active development, and will feature ports to
Android and BlackBerry 10 as well as a host of other enhancements. We are looking
for developers to help out with further work on the Android and BlackBerry 10
ports. Furthermore, ports to Cocoa/Carbon on OSX, and maybe even Wayland
are planned, along with some enhancements to the API and implementation.
See <a href="progress.php">here</a> for an overview of the major points
<p>We are looking for developers to help out with further work on the Android
and BlackBerry 10 ports. Furthermore, ports to Cocoa on OSX, and maybe even
Wayland are planned, along with some enhancements to the API and implementation.</p>
<p>See <a href="progress.php">here</a> for an overview of the major points
on our todo list. You can easily help out by forking the unofficial clone
of our <a
@ -54,35 +83,21 @@ mailing list.</p>
<div class="indent">
<div class="textheader">Testing Releases</div>
<a href="">Freeglut 3.0.0 Release Candidate 2</a> [<i>Released: 26 Dec 2014</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 3.0.0 Release Candidate 1</a> [<i>Released: 29 Oct 2014</i>]<br/>
<p>Amongst many smaller enhancements and bugfixes, this RC includes
experimental ports to Android and BlackBerry 10 as well as other API
and implementation enhancements (e.g., move to CMake build system,
VBO and shader support for geometry). Also moved to CMake as build
system. Please try it out and give us feedback on how it worked for
Feel free to test by downloading a <a
<p>Feel free to test by downloading a <a
of current trunk</a>, or <a href="help.php#svn">grabbing a copy from
svn</a>, and give us feedback on how it worked for you. All this
will eventually become a FreeGLUT 3.0 release.</p>
<p>There are no presently active testing releases.
will eventually become a FreeGLUT 3.1 release.</p>
<p>There are no presently active testing releases.</p>
<div class="indent">
<div class="textheader">Stable Releases</div>
<div class="textheader">Stable Releases</div>
<a href="">Freeglut 3.0.0</a> [<i>Released: 7 March 2015</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 2.8.1</a> [<i>Released: 5 April 2013</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 2.8.0</a> [<i>Released: 2 January 2012</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 2.8.0</a> [<i>Released: 2 January 2012</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 2.6.0</a> [<i>Released: 27 November 2009</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 2.4.0</a> [<i>Released: 9 June 2005</i>]<br/>
<a href="">Freeglut 2.2.0</a> [<i>Released: 12 December 2003</i>]<br/>
@ -90,7 +105,13 @@ mailing list.</p>
<div class="textheader">Prepackaged Releases</div>
<p>The FreeGLUT project does not support packaged versions of FreeGLUT excepting, of course, the tarballs distributed here. However, various members of the community have put time and effort into providing source or binary rollups, and we thank them for their efforts. Here's a list which is likely incomplete:</p>
<p>The FreeGLUT project does not support packaged versions of FreeGLUT
excepting, of course, the tarballs distributed here. However, various members of
the community have put time and effort into providing source or binary rollups,
and we thank them for their efforts. Here's a list which is likely
Andy Piper's <a href="">RedHat Fedora RPMs</a><br/>
@ -122,7 +143,10 @@ mailing list.</p>
<li><a href="">freeglut-bugs</a> [<a href="">Subscribe</a>]</li>
<p>Please note that <a href="">you must subscribe before you can post</a> to our mailing lists. Sorry for the inconvenience.</p>
<p>Please note that <a
href="">you must
subscribe before you can post</a> to our mailing lists. Sorry for the
<?php generateFooter(); ?>

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@ -92,10 +92,6 @@ function generateSideBar($current_page)
<a href="">
<img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="SourceForge" style="border: 0;" /></a>
<span class="navbar-header">
<a href="">
<img src="/images/freshmeat.png" width="88" height="31" alt="SourceForge" style="border: 0;" /></a>
<span class="navbar-header">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" style="border: 0;"/></a>

freeglut/web-src/upload Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# read the username out of .sfuser
if [ -f .sfuser ]; then
user=$(cat .sfuser)
if [ -z "$user" ]; then
echo "please pass your sourceforge username as argument, or create a .sfuser file" >&2
exit 1
echo "connecting as user: $user ..."
rsync -vr --exclude='.sfuser' --exclude '*.swp' \
--rsh="ssh -l $user" * $user,