1; $slashes--) { $require_target .= "../"; } $require_target .= "template.php"; require($require_target); # Now set the title of the page: setPageTitle("News"); # Make the header. generateHeader($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>
freeglut 2.2.0 Released [12 Decmber 2003]

The freeglut Project proudly announces freeglut 2.2.0. This version contains:

[Read the full ChangeLog.]

Click the Downloads link on the left and enjoy!

freeglut 2.0.1 Released [23 October 2003]

2.0.1 fixes a number of bugs with menus, especially in the UNIX_X11.

freeglut 2.0.0 is GOLD! [29 September 2003]

A cake one of our developers
(John Fay) received in honor
of his freeglut work.

freeglut 2.0.0 marks the first true departure from Mark Kilgard's original GLUT library, adding much-requested features while still retaining not only high backward compatibility with older implementations of GLUT, but all the polish of the original -- and more!

What have we done? A lot.

This isn't the GLUT you remember.

This is an incomplete list -- there are simply too many improvements to write!

General Improvements:

XFree86 GameMode improvements:

Win32 GameMode improvements:

Get involved!

If you like freeglut, think about helping out with the project. There's always more to be done to enhance the library!

Documentation, example programs, suggestions for improvement -- they're all needed.

Look at the "How You Can Help" section on the left for ideas on how you can do your part!